Monday 28 January 2013

And so to Netvibes.  I am not sure what I feel about this.  It was quite fun to set up the page, and did not take too long to do - am I getting the hang of this at last?  However, it felt like so many techy things these days - a way of keeping all your favourite things together - a bit like iGoogle, or a smart phone.  Or lots of tabs on your web browser. So a bit deja vue.  I don't know enough about it it to see whether it is so much better than the others, and maybe it is, we will have to see.  But it does look like a mixed bag of goodies.  Will I use it though, or is it easier just to go the website you wanted in the first place.  Hmmm, she said reflectively.........
Also, thought I would keep up my theme and selected the food background images, but the existing ones remained.  So I typed in chocolate - no results were returned.  Oh well, too much of a good thing maybe - let's try Spring Day (the sun was actually shining at that moment) and lo and behold, the chocolate images appear instead.  A little confusing.  However, the page is now adorned with chocolates as is only right and proper.  Thing 4 also involved installing Thing 6, so it has all become a little twisted now.


  1. Love your chosen chocolate bar for thing 4 eventhought I begged you for a Bounty bar on your blog :-D IGoogle will retire this November and I thought Netvibes and their high usage in the libraries might be a good thing to share. Glad you created it without any problem :-) well Done.

    1. Ah yes - I had forgotten it was due to retire. So maybe a good thing after all?

  2. I'm not sure what I think about Netvibes either. It seems a good tool, but after this week I'm really not sure I'll even look at it again!!!

  3. Why not set it up as your home page... when going on line? Or as a second page when you go online. I use the widget to track sites and blogs that cover subjects I'm interested in. I can then simply click on new info on any site that I'm following easily.

    Have A nice day

