Tuesday 29 January 2013

Thing 6 - Installing RSS feed

Again?  Installed already the University one as part of the Netvibes set up.  However, I gamely plow on and hope for more interesting (and not quite so prolific) info from the Sot 23 feed.  Nice and easy, and I feel I am getting there but then I spot the dreaded news on my shiny new Netvibes page that I have 3233 items waiting to be read due to my 2 feeds and the BBC News.  The BBC news also duplicates its feed by classing 2 identical items as BBC UK and BBC World.  I am feeling overwhelmed and panicked.  There is not time enough in the world to keep up with this.  My head is spinning......Can 2 RSS feeds and 2 BBC News feeds be too much of a good thing?  It is just nuts.


  1. Look at you - racing along, very impressed. Clearly chocolate is what we all need!

  2. I agree with you about RSS feeds. Too much information!

  3. Hadn't realised all those numbers meant I hadn't read that number of items! Panic!!!! Thank God for the chocolate on your page to calm me down. Also, I have a daily cartoon on my netvibes - that's much more fun than news feeds!
