Tuesday 26 March 2013

Thing 21  -  Google Drive

I think I have used this before when working with the IMDB project.  If it was not this, it was certainly very similar, and is a brilliant idea.  Very annoying if you are pleased with what you write, and then someone alters it.  The same apparently is true of Wikipedia.  I understand that both Mike Scott of The Waterboys, and Carrie Underwood (country singer) have both had problems and attempted to correct the misinformation put up there from fans.  Every time they try to correct it and put it right, they are informed they have no authority and it is changed back again. This must be extremely annoying and frustrating, and I could see that it is perfectly possible to do this here if you want to share the document.  Obviously, unlike Wikipedia, you can choose not to share the editing, but then that would render pointless the usefulness of Google Drive.

I found it very easy to upload and create files, and easy to work out how to share.  If I found it easy, it must be simplicity itself.  I created a list of favourite Easter Eggs, sent the email to 3 Sot23 participants, and then whilst looking at the document again to check it was OK, I was amazed to see words typing as if by magic on my list - it was literally seconds after I sent it, and I was able to watch someone adding to it.  I was well impressed.  This is certainly something I would use, and now that many co-workers are part-time or busy, it is a way of working together whilst apart.  

Creative commons image used (natch).

Have a lovely Easter!

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